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When I became Lone Star College chancellor last year, I made it clear that my No. 1 priority is to make sure our students have what they need to be successful. LSC Foundation plays a vital role in that endeavor by reducing the financial barriers to a quality college education. 

I am amazed at the resiliency and determination our students have to complete their education and work toward a better life for themselves and their families. Sadly, financial insecurity can get in the way of those dreams, but thanks to LSC Foundation, students are able to stay on track and finish what they started. 

More than 24,500 students have felt that impact, with over $23.2 million awarded in scholarships and nearly $10 million in program support since LSC Foundation's inception in 1991. Through tuition scholarships, emergency aid relief or textbook funds, LSC Foundation supporters truly do make a difference in the lives of our students. 

One of my goals is to make sure that everyone who wants to come to Lone Star College can come and that money is not a problem. Thanks to Lone Star College Foundation, we are able to provide them with the opportunity and means necessary. 

I encourage you to take a moment and read the inspirational stories and support shown to our students in the following pages. I am sure you will be as uplifted as I am in knowing we are helping make our community a better place, one student at a time.