Responding in Kind

From the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lone Star College was helping the community begin the long road to recovery. LSC loaned ventilators to assist health-care workers, opened its facilities for patients and provided safe testing sites, and distributed food, face masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and soap. In addition, LSC first- and second-year nursing students were recruited to assist local hospitals impacted by the overwhelming demand for health care due to the COVID-19 surge.
LSC ensured that students would be in a position to continue their studies in spite of facing overwhelming challenges. Thanks to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security CARES (CARES) Act funding, LSC was able to award more than $101 million to over 115,900 students. LSC also awarded nearly $65.7 million in Pell Grants to 19,567 students for 2021-2022.

The pandemic brought to light the digital divide as well, making it difficult for some students to receive their education online. To address this issue, LSC developed the LSC TechConnect program which initially purchased 6,000 laptops to loan to students for online learning and provided students access to tech devices and software for long-term checkout.
As the world continues to learn how to live with COVID-19, LSC will do whatever it takes to provide higher educational opportunities in a safe environment for all.