Focus on Student Success

Academic & Workforce Success
Lone Star College
Proud Recipient of Local, State & National Awards Year After Year!

Did You Know?
Lone Star College serves an area of more than 2,700 square miles with a total population of 2.7 million residents. If LSC were a state, its service population would rank 37th in the nation between Kansas and New Mexico.

A Culture of Student Support
One LSC Philosophy
Lone Star College delivers excellent and uniform customer service, providing consistent information, and uniformly helping every student regardless of physical location, modality, college, campus, center, or medium.



Community Update
Spring | 2024
LSC Community Update is produced by
the Lone Star College Marketing & Communications Department
Lone Star College
5000 Research Forest Drive
The Woodlands, Texas 77381
Lone Star College Board of Trustees
Michael Stoma, Chair, District 1
Ernestine M. Pierce, Trustee, District 2
Iesheia Wilson, Secretary, District 3
Art Murillo, Vice Chair, Trustee, District 4
David A. Vogt, Trustee, District 5
Myriam Saldívar, District 6
Rebecca Broussard, Trustee, District 7
Mike Sullivan, Secretary, District 8
Jim Cain Ed.D., Assistant Secretary, Trustee, District 9
Lone Star College Chancellor’s Cabinet
Mario K. Castillo, J.D., Chancellor
Seelpa Keshvalla, Ph.D., Executive Vice Chancellor
Bridget N. Johnson, MBA, Executive Vice Chancellor Operations
Kristy Vienne, Ed.D., Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration/CFO
Nancy M. Molina, J.D., Vice Chancellor, Legal Affairs and General Counsel
Dwight L. Smith, III, Ed.D., Vice Chancellor, Academic and Workforce Success
Gerald F. Napoles, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor, Student Success
Valerie Jones, Ed.D., President, LSC-CyFair
Quentin Wright, Ed.D., President, LSC-Houston North
Melissa N. Gonzalez, Ph.D., President, LSC-Kingwood
De' Reese Reid-Hart, Ed.D., President, LSC-Montgomery
Bennie Lambert, Ph.D., President, LSC-North Harris
Seelpa Keshvala, Ph.D., CEO, LSC-Online
Lee Ann Nutt, Ed.D., President, LSC-Tomball
Virginia M. Fraire, Ph.D., President, LSC-University Park
LSC Community Update Staff
Elisa Olsen, AVC, Chief Marketing Officer
Bill Van Rysdam, Director, Media Relations and Communications
Mindi Funderburg, Manager, Publications
Roycelyn Bastian, Manager, Media Relations
Jeff Dunn, Video and Multimedia Producer
Michael Sellers, Video and Multimedia Producer
Edu Balingasa, Senior Web Designer
Lyndsey Pase, Director CRM and Digital Engagement
Natalya Brusintseva, Coordinator II